Trusted by biotechs to deliver, every single time.
Biotech firms are the trailblazers of innovation, often working within niche therapies, and you have limited resources—the most crucial of which is time.
In the fast-paced biotech arena, agility and precision are non-negotiable.

Medical breakthroughs deserve enrollment that keeps pace with your innovation.

Your clinical trial needs a dedicated focus on LPI not recruitment activities
In a world of rapid medical advancements, your clinical trials need patient recruitment that delivers high-quality referrals fast.
1nHealth doesn’t just participate in the enrollment process—we own it. And we recruit your ideal patient populations with:
- Decades of experience in patient enrollment and clinical operations
- Success across dozens of therapeutic areas
- Ongoing optimization centered in data-driven strategies
- Automated patient tracking and follow-up communication
Custom-tailored recruitment is a must
Every trial is unique, and your recruitment should be too.
We craft bespoke recruitment programs to connect with specific patient populations, ensuring your treatments reach participants who are the best study fit.
You rely on scalable solutions that work at any size patient population
From early-phase trials to large-scale studies—and every step in between—our enrollment solutions grow as you do. There’s no scale too large or too specialized for our team.
You require cost-effective consistency in your patient recruitment
Cost-effective doesn’t mean cutting corners—it means smarter recruitment.
By owning the entire enrollment process, we eliminate inefficiencies and deliver maximum impact for your investment.

Our solution
We didn’t choose direct-to-patient recruitment over databases because we wanted to be different. We did it because it works. Our team has decades of experience identifying target patient populations, designing scroll-stopping ads, and crafting effective messaging that immediately resonates with patients.
Patient qualification
throughout enrollment
Our team conducts multiple levels of pre-screening before passing referrals on to your clinical sites. But qualification needs to happen at every stage of enrollment. That’s why we offer hands-on site collaboration, as well as 1nData—our proprietary patient tracking and communication software.
Shared-risk pricing
based on milestones
When you win, we win. Our pricing is based on specific milestones—such as signed ICFs or patient randomization. That allows us the opportunity to adapt, optimize, and improve as we go based on how target audiences are responding. And if milestone-pricing doesn’t work for you, we offer flexible pricing models based on your unique study.
Ready to get started? Here's our process.
Feasibility study
After a quick discovery meeting, we run a feasibility study. This helps us base our projections in current, real-world conditions, as well as give you the most accurate and up-to-date data available. It also gives us insights into what’s working, and what some potential challenges might be.
Formal proposal
Then we develop a customized digital recruitment plan that aligns with your objectives and timelines. We have a shared-risk pricing model that is based on practical milestones, such as ICF signings or randomizations. You want real results, not outdated patient data or uninterested participants.
Enrollment optimization
Finally, we provide regular updates and make suggestions based on what we’re seeing throughout the entire enrollment funnel. Every stage of the patient journey impacts each other. These updates help us optimize our overall efforts and keep your study under budget and on time.
Our success
- Hover over the tiles below to view our case studies and top creative.
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Breast Cancer Chemo Fatigue
Social Anxiety Disorder
Early Allergen System Experience (EASE)
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Vaping Cessation
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