Fill Out the Form Below to Apply

Pregnant women are often excluded from medical trials, so in order to gather information about the effects of certain medications on pregnancy, participants are needed to share their experiences after medication exposure.

What Will I Have to Do?

Fill Out Our Form

To see if you are a good fit, fill out the pre-screener form above to apply. If you qualify, someone from the team will be in touch to go over further details.

speak to the team

A registry team member will contact you to provide additional information, answer any questions you may have and complete the registration process.

Get Started

Once registration is complete, you can begin answering surveys about your health currently, and in the following months through pregnancy and delivery.

Frequently asked questions

The Savella Pregnancy Registry is intended to increase the overall knowledge about the effects of using Savella during pregnancy. Registering is quick, easy, and completely voluntary. Participation does not involve any additional doctor’s visits or changes to your current treatment plan.

You will be asked to provide some basic information about your pregnancy, health, and medications. You will also be asked to provide permission for a representative from the Savella Pregnancy Registry to contact:

– The treating physician who prescribed Savella

– The doctors you are seeing during this pregnancy

– Your baby’s doctor after the delivery

The Registry will need information about you, your pregnancy, and your baby after delivery. Personal information collected will be confidential – you and your baby’s identity will be protected. We will ask you about your use of Savella and any other medications you are taking during pregnancy. Your doctor will be asked to provide information about your health history, including any previous pregnancies, and any risks related to your pregnancy. Additionally, your baby’s pediatrician will be asked to provide information about your child’s health through 12 months of age.

Participation in this Registry does not require any additional medical procedures or taking any additional medications. It will not affect your treatment plan agreed upon between you and your doctor in any way.

Yes. This registry is only looking for pregnant women who have taken Savella.