Shingles Vaccine


month saved from expected timeline


ICFs sent to sites per week on average


sites that 1nHealth collaborated with


1nHealth partnered with a sponsor for a new Phase 2 on US site-based Phase 2 shingles vaccine study running in 11 sites across the United States.

Study Particulars

  • Recruitment had fallen behind, so 1nHealth was engaged to supplement site recruitment efforts to close Phase 2 within the enrollment window.


  • 1nHealth advertised on Facebook, Google, Reddit, and TikTok.
  • 1nHealth also fully revised all study communication and materials.
  • An operationally hands-on team worked directly with each site’s staff to ensure online-generated potential patients were qualified and scheduled seamlessly​.


  • Study reached full enrollment within one week of original LPI target​.
  • Screen fail rates dropped from 42% to 33% by end of the campaign.
  • 1nHealth’s efforts saved an entire month of recruitment from sponsor’s expectation pre-engagement, improving upon the original timeline estimates.

Average ICFs Per Week

Best Performing Creative

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