See if you qualify

Fill out the form below to see if you meet the basic study requirements.

Enrollment for this study is now closed.

Thank you for your interest.

Why participate?

  • Receive up to $1,271 in compensation for your time and participation
  • Try an investigational product that could improve your symptoms of SUI
  • Be a part of advancing research that could help millions of other women with SUI

What’s involved?

  • First, fill out the form above, then if you qualify, we’ll contact you to schedule your first appointment
  • You’ll receive the investigational product, called “autologous muscle-derived cells for urinary sphincter repair” (AMDC), or the placebo, under local anesthesia
  • You’ll have 8-11 study center visits and up to 5 phone meetings over the course of up to 2.5 years

Frequently Asked Questions

What travel expenses are covered?

If you qualify for participation in this study, you may be eligible for compensation and/or reimbursement from the study sponsor covering your site visits to the Westlake Village, CA location. This includes roundtrip airfare/transportation, hotel/lodging, and all travel-related incidental expenses, for all required visits directly related to the study. For more information on the amount of travel expenses allowed per visit, please discuss this with the research site.

What’s the investigational product?

The investigational product, called “autologous muscle-derived cells for urinary sphincter repair” (AMDC), is made from your own cells! We’ll take a bit of your muscle cells from your leg with an outpatient procedure. Then, we’ll give those cells back to your body, in your urinary sphincter, which is often the root problem for SUI.

What types of surgery qualify?

Examples of previous surgery for stress urinary incontinence could include synthetic midurethral sling, autologous fascial sling, or retropubic urethropexy or suspension. Please note that bulking agent treatment does not qualify as surgery.

What is a placebo?

A placebo is a treatment that is not active. In clinical trials, we give some people a placebo and some people the investigational drug, then compare the two to see if the study drug works.

Is there a placebo?

Yes, there is a placebo. You’ll have a 50% chance of getting the placebo and a 50% chance of getting the investigational product. However, if you do get the placebo, you will have the opportunity to get the investigational product at no cost, after the first year of the study.

Does it cost anything to participate?

No, there is no cost to participate, and you don’t need to have insurance.

What is stress urinary incontinence?

Stress urinary incontinence is a very common condition in women of all ages, where urine leaks when there is a sudden increased pressure on the bladder, such as when laughing, coughing, sneezing, or exercising.