See if you qualify

Fill out the personal health questions in the form below to see if you meet the basic study requirements. Your answers will be recorded, but your information will only be used for the purposes of this study.

Why participate?

No-cost access

Try an FDA-approved ADHD medication that‘s been proven to help symptoms of ADHD.

Participate in ADHD research

This is the first non-stimulant ADHD medication the FDA has approved in 20 years.

Receive up to $650

If you complete the study, you’ll receive $650 for your time and participation.

What’s involved?

  • Fill out the quick form above
  • If you qualify and choose to participate, you’ll take an oral medication, Qelbree, (provided) for about 14 weeks
  • Attend up to 5 virtual telehealth visits and answer questions over the course of up to 18 weeks

Frequently asked questions

The study treatment is Qelbree, an FDA-approved, non-stimulant treatment for ADHD. In previous studies, both long term and short term, it’s been shown to be both effective at treating ADHD and safe. It’s taken in a capsule daily.

No, you do not need to have a prior diagnosis of ADHD, anxiety, or depression to participate.

No, all study-related care is provided at no cost.

Your participation in this study can last for up to 18 weeks. There is a Screening period to find out if you are eligible to take the study medication. The Screening period lasts up to 4 weeks. If eligible, you would enter the Treatment period and take the study medication daily for 14 weeks.

Yes, you will receive monetary compensation for completing each televisit. You could receive up to $650 if you complete all televisits and the 14 weeks of treatment with study medication.

This can be a hormonal contraceptive or protection using the barrier method (i.e., simultaneous use of a male condom and diaphragm or cervical cap with spermicide).

Yes, participation is voluntary and can be ended at any time.