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However, know you’re not alone. Below are some helpful links to online groups from our partners at The MIGHTY
Let’s Talk Depression
Depression is… not the best. Whether you have an official diagnosis or are undiagnosed, all of our experiences are valid and welcome here. Not sure what to post? Let us know why today is tough, or a recent win you had. We want to celebrate and support you as you navigate depression (because it’s so much more than sadness). You are not alone.
Postpartum Depression, Anxiety
This group is for any moms or dads experiencing postpartum depression or anxiety to discuss how they feel, share stories and feel supported. I recently had my first baby and find each day I am struggling with depression and anxiety and was finding it hard to find a support group or others who were experiencing similar or could relate/understand what I am feeling. I started this group so others could have somewhere to express their thoughts, feelings or even ask questions. It is a group I hope you can feel accepted and supported.
Check In With Me
#CheckInWithMe is the flagship MIGHTY program. It started as a single hashtag and has now grown into thousands of members who check in with each other daily (and in turn, ask others to check in on them too!). It embodies everything The MIGHTY strives to be: a place to show up exactly as you are. Post about what you’re going through, ask for advice, or post a pep talk that someone else might need to hear.
Please note that the information provided by The MIGHTY is for community, educational, and general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 1nHealth does not endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on The MIGHTY forums, nor do we guarantee the quality, suitability, or availability of any products, services, or information provided by The MIGHTY .