No-cost Vitiligo treatment option

Up to $750 Available

No-Cost Phototherapy Lamp

See if you qualify

Fill out the form below to see if you meet the basic study requirements.

What’s Involved?

  • Complete the questionnaire above to see if you meet the basic qualification criteria for this study.
  • If you qualify, be on the lookout for a phone call or text from the study team to schedule your first study visit.
  • Get treated with an already FDA-approved treatment, the device, which involves spraying your own healthy skin cells back onto affected areas, allowing them to retrain depigmented cells.
  • Attend up to 4 follow-up visits to track your progress.

What are the perks?

Exclusive Access to Treatment

Unlike other treatment options that require a lifetime of daily applications to maintain results, this is a one-time procedure. By participating in this study, you will be able to access this treatment at no cost.

Compensation for Participation

Upon full study completion, participants will receive up to $750 in compensation.

No-cost Phototherapy Lamp

Each participant will receive a phototherapy lamp at no cost for successful study participation.

Frequently asked questions

The device is FDA-approved and has been used successfully in treating burn victims, that involves taking a sample of your healthy pigment-producing skin cells, and spraying them onto areas affected by vitiligo. The treatment only takes about 30 minutes to complete and has little to no downtime upon completion. In previous studies, 80% of participants reported the treatment as successful.

Upon conclusion in a previous study, physicians reported 68% of participants successfully responded to treatment, and 80% of participants self-reported the treatment as a success.

The study is approximately 24 weeks long, comprised of an initial screening visit, treatment, and 4 follow-up visits to track your progress.

No, the procedure is outpatient, meaning you will be able to go home the same day. The procedure only takes about 30 minutes and will involve a local anesthetic, ablative laser resurfacing, and the application of Spray-On Skin Cells. The area where we take the healthy skin cells from, similar to a skin graft, only takes about a week to heal completely.

Yes, you can receive up to $750 if you participate in the study. You can also receive reimbursement for your travel costs.

This study has multiple locations across the USA. Fill out the questionnaire to view a list of available locations.

Lip-tip vitiligo refers to having depigmented areas on your lips as well as your fingertips. You can participate in this study if you have depigmented areas on your lips OR fingertips, but you will NOT qualify if you have depigmented areas on BOTH. This is due to data showing the treatment will not be effective if you have lip-tip vitiligo, and we want to make the most of your time. You can view examples of having depigmented areas on your lips and fingertips below: