Investigational Device

Up to $425 Available in Compensation

Apply while spots are available

See if you qualify

Fill out the form below to see if you meet the basic study requirements.

Investigational device that you will use at home during the study.

Components: 2 foot sensors, a touchscreen device, headset & charging cables (not shown here).

What’s Involved?

  • Complete the questionnaire above to see if you meet the basic qualification criteria for this study.
  • If you qualify, be on the lookout for a phone call from the study team where you’ll answer a few more questions to make sure this study is right for you.
  • In the beginning of the study, everyone will go on 30-minute walks with the device 3 times a week, for 12 weeks. You may be asked to use the device for an additional 12 weeks at the same duration and frequency later in the study.
  • You’ll have 6 in-person visits and multiple telehealth visits with study staff over one year, where we’ll check up on your health.

What are the benefits?

Access to an investigational therapy that may help improve your walking

This limited-enrollment clinical trial is using music and rhythm, with the goal of improving the walk of stroke survivors.

Compensation for Participation

Upon full study completion, participants will receive up to $425 in compensation.

Help Further Research for other Stroke Survivors

Your involvement could lead to a better understanding of outcomes of endurance, daily life and stroke recovery.

Frequently asked questions

The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of the investigational device on outcomes of endurance, daily life, and stroke recovery.

The investigational device is a gait rehabilitation device to improve walking in people with chronic stroke. It is designed to be used at home by the patient. The device kit includes a touchscreen device preloaded with the software, shoe-worn sensors, a headset, and a charging station. Product technical support is included.

The study will last a year. Everyone in the study will go on a ​​walk with the device 3 times a week, for the initial 12 weeks. Half of the study participants, will spend another 12 weeks using the device. You’ll have 6 in-person visits, and multiple telehealth visits over the course of the year, where we’ll check up on your health.

The study site is virtual – our study staff will connect with you via telehealth. At certain times throughout the study, in-person visits to a local testing facility near you will also be required. Local car transportation can be provided.

Yes, there is compensation for your time and participation. ​You can earn up to $425. ​

Possible risks from participating in this study include fatigue, muscle or joint soreness, nausea, shortness of breath, minor muscle cramps, pain, dizziness, or loss of balance or fall. All risks will be discussed during the screening and consent process.